Josh Meadows

Guest Speaker

Week 1: June 9-13 (HLGU)

Josh Meadows, Student Ministry Strategist with the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, is our guest speaker for the first week of Super Summer 2025. Join us at Hannibal-LaGrange University in Hannibal, MO for an exciting week of Bible teaching, worship, and discipleship.

Jay Barbier

Jay Barbier

Guest Speaker

Week 2: June 16-20 (SBU)

Jay Barbier, Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, is our guest speaker for the second week of Super Summer 2025. Join us at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, MO for an exciting week of Bible teaching, worship, and discipleship.

Scott Pace

Scott Pace

Guest Speaker

Week 3: June 23-27 (SBU)

Scott Pace, Dean of Graduate Studies for Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, is our guest speaker for the third week of Super Summer 2025. Join us at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, MO for an exciting week of bible teaching, worship, and fellowship.

Required Documentation

The following registration packet contains vital information needed for your participation in Super Summer. Please download it and review it carefully prior to registration and attendance.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, everyone is welcome at SS. We strive to be a camp that students and adult leaders can be challenged at.

The day will consist of a morning session. Followed by grade based large team study (6-7,8,9,10,11,12,& adult), Recreation, & even sessions.

SS is on two college campuses, Hannibal-LaGrange University (HLG) & Southwest Baptist University (SBU). Lodging is in dorm rooms with 2-4 students per room. Adults are not housed with students. Housing will strive to position groups near one another with their adult leaders. Food is provided in your admission & is served breakfast, lunch, & dinner in the campus cafeteria. Concessions will be available on-site.

Students and leaders should bring the following items:

• Bible and a writing utensil; a journal is provided

• Clean clothes – see #11 of Super Summer Rules for the dress code

• Bedding – pillow, sleeping bag or sheets and blanket, etc.

• Towels, washcloths, personal toiletries, and all other basic essentials for a week away from home

• Please see #10 of Super Summer Rules regarding electronic devices

• All students are encouraged to bring at least one set of old clothes for some of the activities.

• There may be messy games during the week! No white shirts for games (colored shirts only).

• Water bottle


Optional Items

• Monday: Youth shirt (wear your youth group shirt)

• Tuesday: Croc (wear your crocs)

• Wednesday: Hawaiian shirt

• Thursday - Sports gear (wear your favorite sports gear)

• Money for the merch store & Concessions

Super Summer is $259 up till March 1st & $279 until June 1st.

Rec will be daily Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday. Activities include Esports & Sports tournaments (Volleyball, Basketball, dodgeball), active rec games, board game and coloring lounge, and other yard games (ie. 9square, gaga ball, corn hole, and more)

Small Group Leader Signup

Please fill out this form if you're interested in serving as a small group leader for Super Summer.

Musical Guests

Aaron Cole

Musical Guest

Kyle Kicker


Rapper Aaron Cole joins us for all three weeks of Super Summer.

Kyle Kicker, Worship Pastor at High Street Church, will lead worship for all three weeks of Super Summer.

Tentative Schedule


Registration (Cities A-K) 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Registration (Cities L-Z) 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Stage Games 4:00pm - 4:15pm
Leader Orientation 4:00pm - 4:25pm
Orientation 4:30pm - 4:50pm
Dinner (Dinner Group A) 5:00pm - 5:45pm
Dinner (Dinner Group B) 5:45pm - 6:30pm
First Team Meeting 6:45pm - 8:00pm
Evening Worship 8:15 pm - 10:00pm
Church Time 10:05pm - 10:35pm
Pizza 10:30pm
In Dorms 11:00pm
Lights Out 11:30pm

Tuesday - Thursday

Breakfast (Dinner Group A) 7:30am - 8:10am
Breakfast (Dinner Group B) 8:10am - 8:45am
Morning Show 9:00am - 10:00am
Church Small Groups 10:05am - 10:30am
TBA (Breakout, Activity, Workshop) 10:30am - 11:30am
Lunch (Dinner Group A) 11:30am - 12:15pm
Lunch (Dinner Group B) 12:15pm - 1:00pm
Large Team Study 1:15pm - 2:30pm
Recreation 2:45pm - 4:30pm
Dinner (A Group) 5:00pm - 5:45pm
Dinner (B Group) 5:45pm - 6:30pm
Large Team Study 6:45pm - 8:00pm
Evening Worship 8:10pm - 9:45pm
Church Groups 9:45pm - 10:30pm
Pizza 10:30pm
Dorms 11:00pm
Lights Out 11:30pm


Breakfast 7:00am - 8:15am
Clean-up/Pack-up/Load-up 8:15am - 9:15am
Large Team Study 9:30am - 10:30am
Closing Worship 10:45am - 11:45am
Depart to your number one mission field! 12:00pm

2024 Highlight Reels

Promo Materials